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Blog Study Helps Pastor Dave 250 views

Bible Study Steps & Questions

GOAL: To understand the Author’s Intended Meaning (AIM) by discerning the Main Point of the passage and the Idea/Application revealed in it.


  1. What part of the Canon is this book?          
  2. What genre is this?
  3. Who wrote it?                                                  
  4. When was it written?
  5. Where is Jesus, the Gospel in this text?
  6. Is there a problem that needs to be addressed in this text?
  7. Are there elements of the passage that are repeated or contrasted, emphasized, or oddly placed?
  8. How does the passage develop?                        
  9. What is the flow of action or thought?
  10. Are there characters of themes that are highlighted?


  1. Summarize the passage in your own words. Are there any areas that need to be clarified before moving on?


  1. What question does this passage answers?
    1. How does the passage ANSWER that question?
  2. What is the principle (author’s own words; locate the key phrase)?
  3. Why do you think that is the principle? (textual)
  4. What does the author mean by his principle? (your own words)


  1. What is the application? What does the author intend his original hearers to do with this revelation? (i.e. commands)
  2. Why do you think that is the main application? (textual)
  3. How would you effectively communicate this application as a principle for today? (your own words)
  4. So, what is the main point of the passage?