Bible Study Steps & Questions
GOAL: To understand the Author’s Intended Meaning (AIM) by discerning the Main Point of the passage and the Idea/Application revealed in it.
- What part of the Canon is this book?
- What genre is this?
- Who wrote it?
- When was it written?
- Where is Jesus, the Gospel in this text?
- Is there a problem that needs to be addressed in this text?
- Are there elements of the passage that are repeated or contrasted, emphasized, or oddly placed?
- How does the passage develop?
- What is the flow of action or thought?
- Are there characters of themes that are highlighted?
- Summarize the passage in your own words. Are there any areas that need to be clarified before moving on?
- What question does this passage answers?
- How does the passage ANSWER that question?
- What is the principle (author’s own words; locate the key phrase)?
- Why do you think that is the principle? (textual)
- What does the author mean by his principle? (your own words)
- What is the application? What does the author intend his original hearers to do with this revelation? (i.e. commands)
- Why do you think that is the main application? (textual)
- How would you effectively communicate this application as a principle for today? (your own words)
- So, what is the main point of the passage?